
We will be closed starting on February 1st, 2021 and will be closed until February 16th, 2021. If we need to extend this closure we will be calling patient to inform them and to reschedule their appointments for a later date. Thank you for your patience see you when we get back!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's everyone! We will be closed from Dec 25th until Jan 4th for a little holiday rest and relaxation. Yes, this means with the new lockdown that will be in effect starting on Boxing Day that we will still be open for appointments for anyone looking for treatment. We hope you all stay safe and...

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Much like other illnesses and diseases, people who have had breast cancer often see benefits to participating in exercise as a part of their treatment and recovery. It is often recommended to start with light aerobic and strengthening exercises and building on intensity and duration of the exercise as...



Yes! We have re-opened after our COVID-19 closure and we are happy to have everyone back! Please be aware when you are booking appointments that there will be some changes to our procedure in accordance with the recommendations of the Ontario government. Please give us a call at 519-351-0363 to book your appointment.

After careful consideration we have made the difficult decision to close our clinic effective today Wednesday, March 18th for at least two weeks.
We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and will continue to provide updates of the status of the clinic throughout these next 2 weeks as they become available.
We will be contacting those...

The Clinic will be closed on Nov 28th until Dec 1. Hope you are all able to get some good Black Friday Sales.



Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! The clinic will be closed Friday Oct 11th and re-open on Tuesday Oct 15th.

Most of us know that lack of exercise can lead to poor physical health. By exercising we can improve not only our physical health but our mental health as well. The positive improvements that we see can include better mood, better sleep and reduced stress. Each of these factors in turn can help to improve each other as well....

We apologize for the late notice but we will be closed this weekend starting Friday Aug. 2 and re-opening on Tuesday Aug. 6th 2019. Enjoy the long weekend!

Strengthening and aerobic activity are the most popular types of exercise that comes to all our minds, however stretching often gets overlooked. Without stretching, our muscles will become tight which can limit range of motion in certain joints. Another great benefit to stretching is it can increase blood flow and oxygen to all areas of the body...

Woodall Physiotherapy | Let's talk about your health
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